Hi, welcome to our blog...thanks for stopping by! This blog is mostly about our life raising triplets and a singleton, but I do on occasion go off on a rant about this or that. We also have lots of crafts that we make with the kids, some pretty bomb recipes now and then too. In the summer of 2015 we bought 10 acres and started our small family farm. Lots of animals, dirt, work and fun! If you want to read our story from the beginning go to the Blog Archive and select April 2009. Also entry titles with a (*) have video clips...I try to keep them short and they are so fun to watch! Enjoy your stay, come again soon :)
Another fun kids "play"....'Super Scientific Circus'. It was one of the best yet, learned some cool facts...like the sound of a whip crack is actually a sonic boom not the tip hitting anything, and saw some great tricks. Some games first.
Crafts too.
Izzy's...our new "after play" tradition. Silly kids.
I feel bad that poor Molly is an only child. Hopefully she can hang in for about a month for our next doe that is due to kid so she can have some playmates.
She still knows how to jump around like a crazy girl.
So cute!
Willie and Queen B have been very friendly, I think we will be having August babies wink wink.
Can't wait to see how much color we get.
Still have Honcho up for sale...he really wants a herd of his own.
We really lucked out when we bought our little farm, the kids K-5 school is incredible...so fortunate to be in this district. A special bonus, they have a wonderful music teacher. The kids put on a couple programs every year, which are always amazing. Their spring program this year was no exception.
They all work so hard, we often get to hear the songs for weeks prior to the big day as they practice them around the house.
Little Miss Molly is a week old...she is just a little cutie!
I am so glad I get to keep her here, I have a feeling she is going to make a big impact on our herd in the future.
Had to run some errands today...the wee munchkin tagged along. Spot the stowaway?
McTeacher night shenanigans. The kids just love having their teachers working behind the counter.
Xander's new fish tank. He loves his relaxing nightlight.
Starting out with 5 Guppies to get the tank cycle started.
We try to use all we can when we process our livestock. We even used WildStyle's fat. Our first time rendering pig lard super easy...and way better than Crisco. Step 1: Cut the fat into small pieces. Trim away any pieces of meat or blood as you go. ... Step 2: Place fat in slow cooker. Add 1/4 cup of water to the slow cooker to prevent the fat from burning – it will evaporate during the rendering process. ...we set it to cook on low for about 8 hours. Step 3: Strain Lard, using cheese cloth and a colander, into jars. Cool then refrigerate.