Hi, welcome to our blog...thanks for stopping by! This blog is mostly about our life raising triplets and a singleton, but I do on occasion go off on a rant about this or that. We also have lots of crafts that we make with the kids, some pretty bomb recipes now and then too. In the summer of 2015 we bought 10 acres and started our small family farm. Lots of animals, dirt, work and fun! If you want to read our story from the beginning go to the Blog Archive and select April 2009. Also entry titles with a (*) have video clips...I try to keep them short and they are so fun to watch! Enjoy your stay, come again soon :)
Kenzie and Red got to check out the new babies when they dropped off the kiddos today after last nights campout.
Love having friends over to play with the critters.
Lulu's new girls were a big hit, being the teeny tiniest.
Of course Gaga was a hit too, she is just so friendly.
Checking out Matilda.
A few zip line rides.
Jericho, the show off.
Drusilla is getting bigger...took forever for this kitten to grow.
Those eyes.
Lycan still isn't too sure you are not food Drusilla...really think you picked a good place to rest? Dru is a bad ass, she would have my bet on the fight. She is a hood kitten for sure LOL.
It is a baby goat bonanza LOL. So many pretty little girls!
I just love this girl...I think she is going to be one to watch!
I knew it was going to be soon. Of course got somewhere to go and LuLu starts labor. We decided to take the kids to our annual family camp out with some of our oldest and dearest friends. I told Lulu to take her time and wait for me. Being a first timer I knew it would be a while.
This campout is always the best. We had planned to head home early and not stay the night this year, so I could check on Lulu. The kids were bummed but understood, lucky for them they were asked to stay the night anyway.
Giant Jenga.
Scuba Steve...err Levi.
Pop Rocks and soda. The experiment was a bit of a flop...but the kids all got Pop Rocks so they were big fans.
Science is so tasty sometimes.
Easy clean up.
The wheels got a lot of use.
Mal on the swing.
Lots of pool fun!
Of course water balloon fights.
Sandboxes are still fun.
The kids just adore hanging out.
Jason and I got home just after these two girls arrived...one was still not dry. I didn't think she was done...sat with her for a couple hours even. I'm super happy with another set of twin doelings. Hooch has redeemed himself.
I got some pics of the kids enjoying the rest of the fun without us. Cars 3!