Xan loving his new castle.

Hayden driving the bus...this spurs them to sing the wheels on the bus song LOL.
Hayden driving the bus...this spurs them to sing the wheels on the bus song LOL.
Lily getting ready to sit in her little chair.
After a few misses she figures our who should sit in the chair.
You can see the bench in this pic, this is a Bday gift that their great grandpa got for them :) They LOVE it, I didn't plan for it to stay in my living room but they play on it so much I can't move it just yet.
Then later...Just before bed Hayden decided to freak me out. Well to be fair a worried over nothing Momma freaked out all on her own. Thank goodness for fellow mom's who have their wits about them....I usually do too but seems when it involves your own child you tend to freak first and be rational second. She was sitting on the couch next to me watching TV about 20 min before bed, I noticed she kept swallowing over and over again...and she made a little gulping noise every time she swallowed. I started to worry that maybe she swallowed something or had something stuck and was trying to work it down. She was acting totally normal, I gave her some water which she drank without a problem. I posted to my peeps, I was seriously wondering if she needed to go to the ER. It was suggested a couple times to just keep her up a little longer and watch her, that it might just be something new she just figured out she could do. After that it did click to me that that was probably it, she didn't do it when she was up playing only while she was sitting on the couch, and otherwise was still acting totally normal. I put Xan and Lily to bed and kept Hayden up for another half hour, she could not figure out why she wasn't in bed too. Poor thing kept asking to go to bed and signing for it. After drinking some more water without trouble I asked if she wanted to go to bed, she grabbed my hand and almost ran down the hall to their bedroom. I am sure she is fine, but man I hate when something out of the norm happens...I am such a worry wart.