Hi, welcome to our blog...thanks for stopping by! This blog is mostly about our life raising triplets and a singleton, but I do on occasion go off on a rant about this or that. We also have lots of crafts that we make with the kids, some pretty bomb recipes now and then too. In the summer of 2015 we bought 10 acres and started our small family farm. Lots of animals, dirt, work and fun! If you want to read our story from the beginning go to the Blog Archive and select April 2009. Also entry titles with a (*) have video clips...I try to keep them short and they are so fun to watch! Enjoy your stay, come again soon :)
Today was Kitsune's appointment for her OFA xrays on her hips and elbows. Someone didn't want to cooperate so she was given a sedative. Vet is expecting the results will come back good on her hips and elbows...fingers crossed they do!
Her X rays look pretty good.
She was a little chill for the rest of the day...ah so nice Hahaha.
While I was waiting in the room for her, I noticed an animal age chart on the wall. It seems OJ...and the late Sunny, are in their geriatric years at 14. I didn't know that was so old for cats...OJ has lost a little weight lately, poor old man age is catching up to him. We all love that cat so much, it is going to be a very sad day when he leaves us.
The cold has come...probably snow soon. Warm cocoa, a warm fire....hate going out to feed all the critters in this weather but it is nice to come inside to a warm house.
Last night Jericho wasn't feeling so great...Kitsune just chilled with her little buddy.
Got in a good ride today before the rain started. I'm doing my best to ride once or twice a week, horse ownership is finally getting fun! Scooter is still a bit stubborn, but we are both really improving.
Good to see you Taboo.
Jericho got to ride him back to the pasture.
Working in the barn...means playing in the barn of course.
Ready for another Lily funny? It is dinner time. The boys are of course acting crazy at the table. Jason looks over at Lily and says "boys". Lily looks at Jason and says "animals" then she picks up her glass, sticks out her pinky finger and takes a drink. LOL
Too cute. The tooth fairy was MIA last night (oops) so Hayden added a note and drawing tonight LOL.
Hayden came in this morning to beg Lily to play school...Lily and I were snuggling. Lily said no...even after Hayden offered up the teacher position. When Hayden made the mistake of saying "I will do anything you want" Lily got an evil twinkle in her eye. Lily drives a hard bargain...she demanded a foot massage first. LOL. A short while after they started playing school Lily came out to the living room and started watching TV. I asked her how school was going, she said she made her class sit at their desks quietly for an hour while she napped. Then said she was going to load them up on homework.Yikes...kids everywhere watch out for Bossy Lily.
Lily is not just bossy during games...she also takes control of the TV 99% of the time. Xander is starting to rebel against her G shows and movies...thank goodness someone is. So we have started letting him try out more "grown up" TV. He is a huge fan of Sci-Fi and AMC LOL. We have to keep a watchful eye in his choices but we are giving him some room...so far no nightmares for anyone Hahaha. Today the kids watched Cujo for the first time. Everyone jumped when Kitsune barked at nothing LOL!
Jericho has decided on a Mario Bday party, he wanted to look like Mario for his invite picture. I got a few good pics...and some funny outtakes. This kid makes me laugh so much.