Saturday, March 22, 2025

My collection...minus 1.

 Meet the sneks. 

My Avatar crew.... Seze, Eywa, Sivako, and Makto. 

Seze is a Pewter Lesser Fire or Vanilla need to shed test to know which. Eywa is a Orange Dream Clown het pied. Sivako is a Cypress Fire het clown. Makto is a Pastel Orange Dream Enchi Sugar het clown pied.

My Addams Fam kids. Gomez, Morticia, and Enid....Wednesday coming soon.

Gomez is a Pewter Mahogany het hypo. Morticia is a Yellow Belly Leopard Mahogany HRA het hypo pied. Enid should be a Leopard Lesser Pinstripe Enchi either visual clown or het clown. Since she is a Blue Eyed Leucistic we will have to shed test to know for sure since everything is hidden by the white. 

My Egypt guys... Cairo and Lotus. 

Cairo is a Black Pastel Spotnose Clown. Lotus is a Red Stripe Yellow Belly Clown.

This really illustrates that snakes can grow at very different rates. Both are 8 months old the big one is Cairo…a male, hatched 2 days before Morticia. Typically, the females are larger...I'm sure she will eventually catch up and then surpass him in size. Crazy.

Xander's gaming co-pilot today.

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