Sunday, September 19, 2010

Chipmunk fever.

My kids have Chipmunk fever, BAD. We have watched the 1st chipmunk movie 3 times in the last 2 days....and they even asked to watch it again today but I distracted them, oh man. You know they have it bad when they turn down TinkerBell, Elmo, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Special Agent Oso and Handy Manny. I just can't say no when Lily says to me "I love chipmunks." None of us have even seen the 2nd movie yet, they will be goners for sure LOL.
Lily asking yet again...
No, no, what do ya mean no!
Distracted with books...for now.

I think Xander may be coming down with his first little cold of the season, we have a runny nose and some sneezing going on...YAY!

News on the baby front....I hit 25 weeks today. It is wonderful and a little scary at the same time. This is the point I went into the hospital for pre-term labor with the trio and ended up staying there for 6 weeks. I have a Doctor's appointment tomorrow, so we will get to check up on the little man and make sure all is going well.

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