The trio loved the castles, the "princesses" (any pretty character in a dress is a princess don't ya know :) ) and all the other characters we got to check out.
The kids outside one of the "castles." I really liked how in depth they went in creating and decorating each area. The castles had knights in armor and other period type stuff, the old cowboy town had a saloon, jail and a general store all set up with mannequin type people "doing" stuff. Every different area was really decked out.
Lots of nursery rhyme scenes as you walk through the park. Humpty Dumpty.
Little Miss Muffet.
The ginger bread house was a little creepy, the old witch was in there with Hansel and Gretel, the oven was on and one of the kids was in a cage LOL.
Into the Alice in Wonderland area.
The rabbit hole actually went a long ways and came out in a different area.
Coming out of a little maze.
Jack and Jill.
They are looking in at Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Snow white was cleaning with a broom...Xander couldn't be torn away, of course our little future custodian LOL.
In this window were each of the dwarfs little beds.
Jericho had a good time too, not a bad way to spend your 7th month Bday :)
This area was pitch black and Xander was too scared to go in on his own. He was actually a bit of a wuss with a few of the areas today, Goldie Locks and the 3 Bears scared him and so did a couple others. Silly boy hehehe.
This ugly witch is a slide out the other side.
Lily still won't do slides alone, so I went down with her.
A very crooked house...I actually almost fell when I first stepped in LOL.
Lil Red Riding Hood, you can see the big bad wolf in the window waiting to gobble her up. This really pointed out how dark and creepy so many of the old nursery rhymes and movies are...yikes.
The Old Woman Who Lived In A Shoe...another big slide that Grandma and Daddy went down with the trio.
Into the old west area.
They had a wobbly saloon like floor that the kids could run down.
Walking through some more dark caves. Xander got better the more times he went through.
Another slide!
The trio's first time in bumper boats. Hayden did really well she was trying to drive it and everything. Lily never touched the wheel but kicked back and enjoyed the ride. Xander was in his for about 2 min and wanted back out.
I said Hayden drove it, I never said she drove it well...she kept ending up in the corners LOL.
The only pic I got of Xander in his (orange boat on the left) before he got right back out.
Lily drove the boat like she does her power hands.
Their first solo ferris wheel type ride. Xander was crying at first, but a bunch of other people in line started cheering him on hooping and hollering at him and he ended up loving the ride. It was so awesome that they did that, just what he needed!
Grandma rode the little train with them.
Hi Bug :)

Xander and Hayden were steering like mad with huge smiles.
I went up on the Frog ride with them. It was pretty fun...gave me butterflies in my tummy even. Lily was a little unsure but they all ended up loving it and having a melt down when it was time to get off.
A quick stop for lunch.
Then we hit up a little 7 min water show. The kids LOVED it, they all sat and watched intently the whole time. Even Jericho was into it. It was cool, but Bellagio's has nothing to worry about ;)
They all started clapping at the end LOL.
Puppet town...lots of fun little gizmos and gadgets, and more nursery rhymes. This one was Hickory Dickory Dock.
We didn't ride any of the bigger rides but the kids got to see one zoom by.
They had some costumed people roaming about. My kids are all still freaked out by the animal get ups, but when Alice walked by they talked to her.
Just as we were getting ready to walk out Grandma took a pic of the 6 of us. Jericho was passed out but it turned out cute anyway :) The triplets had a blast, they can't wait to go back!