Enter Xander. We try to keep purchases fair for the triplets, if one gets something we try to get something for everyone...but that doesn't always work out, and there is no explaining that to a 3 1/2 year old. Xan sees the girls stomping around in their new shoes, that light up no less, and comes running over all smiles yelling "new shoes, new shoes" I think there was even a "Spiderman shoes" thrown in there a time or two. He picks up the bag the girls shoes came out of and peered inside so excited to see what his new shoes look like. Only there were no more shoes in the bag. Yeah that was a sad face, that drove home how stupid it was of us to not look high and low for something for Xander, even though the store had nothing cool for boys at the time.
He started crying and refusing to put his old shoes on, so Daddy had to bribe him too...with a stop at the shoe store after school. He cheered up a little, but still wasn't thrilled to put on his old shoes. Until we let him wear one of each. Silly boy :)
When we stopped after picking them up from school I stayed in the car while Jason and Xander went inside to buy him a pair of shoes. After a few min I could see Xan walking around inside holding a big box with a huge smile. After they came back to the car I was told all about his new 'Cars' shoes, apparently they had no Spiderman shoes...but they did have Spiderman socks, so he got some of those too. Score little dude :)
These kids are growing like weeds, Xander and Haddie are now in size 9 1/2 and Lily 8 1/2, I knew my 3 1/2 year olds are the size of 6 year olds but seeing them in these big shoes just makes me say wow.
Some more school projects!
Back home, Hayden and Lily were fighting, Lily...Miss must have the last slap, was about to go to time out for keeping the fight going. Next thing I know the two that I was trying to break up combined forces and turned on me. I get the "Lily is my sister and she is not going to time out" from Hayden, while Lily grabs her legs
and tries to hide all the while saying "Hayden save me." Nice :)
Xander was keeping himself busy with some toys...and putting Barbies dress on his head. Goof ball.
Jericho update: We are looking good, fever free and back to himself, thank goodness!!! Me on the other hand, well I think I found Jericho's missing symptoms. I have come down with a sore throat and runny nose. Woohoo!