Not even a year later...8/17/08. What the heck happened to Jason and I, we look like crap....oh yeah, those three little peanuts you see there happened. This was the Day Xander came home from the NICU and joined the rest of his family. They were 35 days old, it is hard to remember them so tiny LOL.
4 sickies joined their voiceless mom today. At least no one is throwing up *knock on wood. What a way to kick off fall. Though maybe this means my house will stay clean for more that 10 minutes.

I love movie days snuggling on the couch...thank goodness we have a big couch LOL.
In other news... Taking your big brothers Spider-man is a very serious offense. Punishment? According to older brother, Jericho must be taken back to the baby store. LMAO!!!
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