We made our, almost, annual trip to the pumpkin patch today. We didn't make it last year...we had a lot on our plates with Jason's Dad and my Mom both passing away in September.
Our little pumpkins are sure getting big. I can't believe how much they have grown since the first time we were here with three 15 month old little pigs :)

They need to get a 4 header pumpkin :) Jericho was pretty much too busy to worry about pictures, but we managed to get him in one.
Taking a hay ride out to the pumpkin field.
Grandma, Auntie Amber and Cousin Hailee made the trip with us!
Everyone really enjoyed picking their own pumpkins this year. All our previous patch visits we never actually purchased pumpkins...I think us skating on that is over. We came home with 8 pumpkins this time LOL.
We lucked out on another beautiful day...I don't know how we keep getting so lucky picking the nice days.
It was hard to get the munchkins to stand still long enough for a photo...we tried.
My crew was so happy to see Hailee :)
The 5 year old girls club.
My littlest pumpkin...cutie pie.
Miss Lily Bug looking adorable.
Lily was not too keen on holding the dirty pumpkins...Miss Princess. She eventually found one that would do.
I gave Jason the camera when I got a little pumpkin spike splinter. Why have I never noticed that the stems have little white spike like things all over them before?
Why does he always take photos of me bending over? Hahaha.
I swooped up little man for a photo...bad shadow, rookie :)
That's a bit better LOL.
It was a pumpkin free for all out there...I am surprised we didn't come home with 20 pumpkins.
My choice for pumpkin patch foot attire was being made fun of. I love these shoes, and they are totally comfortable, thank you very much. LOL.
Cute pic Auntie Amber!
My guys...wub!
Took a few minutes to climb the hay pyramid. It was hard work for Jericho to get up there.
I'm not sure what he is doing exactly...it that some sort of take that pyramid celebratory move?? LMAO!
We did not have time to do the corn maze today, so playing on this little one will have to do.
We did do the little cow ride...Hayden was yeehawing and woohooing the entire ride...so funny. When it was all over she said she was being a cowgirl, I guess cowgirls make a lot of noise :)
I rode with Jericho. Not only did I not appreciate our cows name, but about 3 minutes into the 8 or so minute ride I was wishing I skipped this one. Ouch.
Off we go...yehaw!
Back, thank goodness.
We took a look through their little barn of animals.
Xander is such a good big brother, he looks out for little kids that are not even his siblings. A little 18 mo to 2 year old boy went up to these geese and stuck his finger through the wire. The goose came closer, the next thing I know is Xander sort of screams then rushes to the little boy and yanks him back from the cage. Then he says "That is dangerous, they might bite you." The little guy wasn't scared at all, and his parents...who were about 6 feet away saw the whole thing and told Xander thank you :) Xander kept his eye on that little boy until we left the barn...so funny.
A little patch of Sunflowers...a bit sunned out, but still cool.
After the patch we all headed back to our house for dinner. We made the Cheesy jalapeno popper baked stuffed chicken again...and it was a hit! My skinny chocolate cake...not so much. Seems only me and the kids appreciated it LOL. Hey, I will take chocolate where I can get it!
You need:
- 1 1/2 cups sugar
- 3 tbsp canola oil
- 4 oz unsweetened apple sauce
- 1 egg
- 2 egg whites
- 1 cup HOT coffee (we are not coffee drinkers and don't like coffee, had to buy a cup of black coffee at the nearest fast food joint just to have it. I almost didn't add it...but was told you won't taste it and it will bring out the flavor or the chocolate...I think it worked, and I couldn't taste it.)
- 3/4 cups unsweetened cocoa powder
- 2 tsp vanilla extract
- 1 cup fat free milk
- 2 cups cake flour (not self rising)
- 1 package instant chocolate pudding (not sugar free)
- 1 tsp salt
- 1 tsp baking powder
- 1 1/2 tsp baking soda
- 1/4 cup plain fat free Greek yogurt
- spray oil
Preheat oven to 325°F. Lightly spray and flour your cake pan.
In a large bowl combine flour, dry chocolate pudding mix, salt, baking powder and baking soda and set aside. (dry ingredients)
In a medium bowl, combine HOT coffee with the cocoa powder until it dissolves. Slowly add milk and vanilla extract. Set aside. (wet ingredients)
In a stand mixer on low speed combine the sugar and oil; mix to combine well.
Add the applesauce until mixed through. Then add eggs and egg whites until incorporated.
Starting with the dry ingredients, slowly add a little of the dry, then a little of the wet ingredients, alternating between wet and dry until all the ingredients are mixed in.
Last step is to add the Greek yogurt and just stir to combine.
Pour into the cake pan and transfer to oven.
Depending on the pan you use, (we used a bunt pan) bake for 40 minutes or until toothpick inserted comes out clean. Cupcakes will be closer to 25-30 minutes.
A small 2.5 x 2.25 inch slice is 3 grams of fat and 163 calories.
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